Sep 26, 2006

Children's Associated Summer Theater

Hi, here are the pictures. I'm sending them without compression so you can crop/manipulate/whatever you need to do to them. The play was Suessical put on by CAST (Children's Associated Summer Theater) in Manchester, CT. My daughter KC played the Grinch. The Cat in the Hat is a boy named Wes. KC said your tights were the most comfortable part of the outfit. They held up extremely well too (you can probably check your records to see which kind they were). Hope you get some sales from this. Regards, Mike B.

PS KC is a 14-year-old freshman attending the Greater Hartford Academy of the Arts.

PPS If you do use this, send me the link - I'm sure KC will get a kick out of it. Thanks.

Michael R. B.
Manchester, CT

Send Us photos of your child's theater costume complemented by We Love Colors tights.

Thank you, We Love Colors

suessical childrens theater