Jul 1, 2013

Killer Bees & Cotton Candy Vendors

David H and friends share how much they love ordering from We Love Colors to complete their fun and crazy annual Mardi Gras party costumes!

"This year our theme was Saturday Night Live, we chose Killer Bees as our character (black tights, yellow gloves and fishnets)...and naturally we put our own twist on it.. "
"In the second photo, (hot pink gloves, tights and white fishnets) last year's theme was Circus and Sideshows, we were cotton candy vendors"

Needless to say we had great fun! Hope you enjoy our fun pictures....who knows what we'll do next year! Thanks for your great products....they fit and hold up well....inspite of all that we put them through! ..Thanks again!  - David H

Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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