Apr 19, 2016

Cat Cafe In DC

Did you know there is such a thing as a Cat Cafe?! They're popping up all over the world. Basically it's a place where you can go to drink coffee, eat snacks, work on your laptop, and hang out with cats.

Mary had the chance to visit one in Washington DC called Crumbs And Whiskers. Like all Cat Cafes, all the cats are available for adoption. Crumbs And Whiskers hasn't been open that long, and they've already successfully gotten over eighty cats a new home!

You can check out this 360 video that was taken at the Cat Cafe. Drag your mouse around to see all angles of the top floor of the cafe. How many cats can you spot??

Here's a list of the Cat Cafes in North America right now. Have you been to one? Maybe this weekend would be a good time to plan a trip!

Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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