The Battle For 161 - Sticking It to Breast Cancer
On May 6, 2011, Ohio's New Albany High School Lacrosse Team and the Granville High School Lacrosse Team held a charity event entitled, The Battle For 161 - Sticking It to Breast Cancer.
“Each year we participate in a community project as a team,” said Coach McGinnis. “Cancer has touched all of our lives and we felt it made a lot of sense to capture the spirit of the rivalry between these two teams and direct that energy toward helping others.”
“Coach Hansen and I are very grateful for the way in which the two communities have supported the teams in this new endeavor. It is our intent to have the Battle for 161 become an annual highly-competitive tradition that also shines a light on the importance of finding a cure for breast cancer,” McGinnis concluded.
100% of the benefits from the event went to the Stefanie Spielman Fund for Breast Cancer Research at the OSU Comprehensive Cancer Center - James Cancer Hospital & Solove Research Institute.
We Love Colors was proud to help sponsor the event! All the boys playing in the lacrosse game wore We Love Colors Laces in Orchid Pink donated by WLC. WLC also donated laces to be sold at the event to benefit the cause.
Check out the boys and their laces in action:
We're so glad we could help out such a great cause! Special thanks to Jeffrey K. for contacting WLC.
Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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