Little Humans
This customer from New York was very excited to share this with us. Her creative daughter wears gloves that she made from the feet of her We Love Colors Children's Splash Tights Color #7001 and was photographed by a popular local street photographer, Humans of New York!
Hi I have been ordering tights and leggings for my daughter from your brilliant website for the past 3 years. In fact in the picture attached she is wearing your tie dyed one's that we just got the other day. She asked me to cut off the bottoms of them and then she turned the foot part into cool mittens (very madonna). Anyway the reason I'm writing is that the picture attached was taken by a very nice gentlemen who runs a website called which is massively popular and has a huge following. Anyway they stopped to ask if they could take a picture of Reef and since then this picture of her on Facebook has been shared over 30,000 times. I figured you might want to know because a lot of personal requests have been made to me as to where she got her tights from..... Thanks Samantha H.
Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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