Monthly Color Challenge by We Love Colors
We’re starting off 2016 with a bang! Introducing We Love Colors’ Monthly Challenge! We want to hear more from you wonderful people, and we can’t wait to see how you participate!
What is it?
Our Monthly Challenge is just a way for you to get creative on social media. Every month, we will give you a color and a day of the week for you to interpret how you want.
For example, January was Blue Smiling Mondays. The idea is you post a photo of yourself smiling while wearing blue on a Monday in January, we are keeping it easy for February, just wear pink on Fridays.
How do I do it?
Once you take your photo, post it to social media (Our Facebook wall, Twitter, Instagram, or Tumblr) with the hashtag #WeLoveColorsUSA and the corresponding monthly hashtag. In January you would also tag #BlueSmilingMonday. For February we are using #PinkFridaysWLC
If your social media accounts are private, or you don’t have social media accounts you can still participate! Simply e-mail your image(s) to
How do I win?
On the first week of every month, we will announce the lucky winner who will receive a $25 We Love Colors store credit.
You are more likely to win if you post a high quality image and are wearing our products, however you don’t need to do these things in order to participate.
Keep in mind that by submitting your photos to this challenge, you give us permission to repost your amazing photos on our own social media accounts.
Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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