Back To School Fun
In the states, this is the time of year most people are going back to school after their summer vacation. It's a fun time to turn a new page (literally from a crisp new notebook!) and start anew. The weather starts to cool off, but the excitement of a new school year keeps things warm!
Stores are stocked with any supply you'd ever need like binders, paper, pens, rulers, crayons, backpacks, index cards, glue sticks, lunchboxes, and much much more. There's nothing quite like turning a new notebook to it's first page to make it feel like things are starting off right!
It's also a great reminder to look at our wardrobes and prepare for the upcoming seasons. We have socks, tights, and leggings in every color you could possibly imagine to make your back to school outfits pop.
Start the school year out right! Pack your backpack and lay your outfit out the night before. Don't forget to pack your lunch and be on time. And most importantly, enjoy learning all the new lessons you'll be taught this year! Education is priceless.
What are you looking forward to this school year?
Send Us your photos. Thank you so much! We Love Colors

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